To promote a standard of dress consistent with the school’s goals for conduct and academic excellence, ACA requires students to follow the guidelines listed below. The school also asks parents to monitor their child’s dress and grooming before leaving for school each morning. The school believes that the rules alone cannot guarantee good appearance and therefore expects the spirit of the law, as well as the specific guidelines below, to govern each student’s manner of dress. All ACA students have the responsibility to dress in a manner respectful of the learning environment of the school. The school has the option to interpret what is appropriate for students to wear to school.
All pants must be solid colored, no patterns or stripes. Jogger style pants are permitted as long as they are not “sweats” material. All pants and shorts must be worn at the waistline (no Sagging). Bottoms should not be too tight, too loose, frayed or ripped. Shorts may not be more than 2 inches above the knee.
Uniform shirts can be purchased through Sixth Man Promotions on our website. All polos must have an ACA logo and must be a solid color. Both short and long sleeves are permitted. On Fridays all students may wear ACA’s spirit shirt t-shirts.
Pullovers must have ACA’s logo. Zipper or button up jackets or sweatshirts that are worn in the classroom must have ACA’s logo. Jackets worn to school that do not have ACA’s logo will be removed once in the classroom.
Shoes/footwear are to be worn at all times. K-6th students have Physical Education daily, so should wear closed-toe shoes for safety. Slippers are not allowed other than during spirit weeks.
Not Allowed:
Athletic wear, sports shorts, workout pants, sweatpants, leggings, yoga pants, skin-tight pants, or any stretchy pant material. Hats, hoods, and other head coverings are not allowed to be worn inside the building. No black lipstick for boys or girls. Boys may not wear make-up of any kind, including nail polish. No dog chains, wallet chains, or gothic accessories or makeup.
Student’s clothing must be neat, clean, in good repair and appropriately sized.